Getting your web site on the cloud easily and effectively has never been easier. With Cloudways, the process is hassle free and simple!
We’ve put many apps and web sites on the Cloudways platform and it does not disappoint. The process is painless and super easy. Host your apps and web sites on multiple clouds if you want!

Here’s some key benefits to using Cloudways:
- Launch Multiple Apps in 1-Click. (WordPress, WoCommerce, Magento)
- Unlimited apps on a server5 top-notch cloud providers (AWS. Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, Linode & Vultr) with ONE click
- Free SSL certificates
- Build-in Cloudways CDN
- High-performance stack for WordPress, Wocommerce & Magento
- Pay-as-you-go pricing model
- Built-in Free Cache Plugins for WordPress & Magento
- 1-Click Operations (server launch, server/app cloning, monitoring, and many more)
- Dev friendly staging environment
- Managed security and backups
- Effective Team Collaboration features
- Easy Github automation for developers
- Flexibility to Scale Servers
- Transfer servers and billing to your clients in simple clicks

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